Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Deviance Social Experiment

Group Members : Makayla, Tatiana, Rafi, Zach, Jazmarie, Andreas

Objective of Social Experiment: Tatiana and I were curious how others would react if we would have an yoga session in a public place such as Mission Valley, and Horton Plaza Mall. This is considered deviant because the mall is not a place where people come and witness random people doing yoga out in the open. Jazmarie's part was to the be the teacher of the Yoga Class who lead the class and offered others to join. Zach acted as a complete stranger who joined our yoga session to perhaps get others to join it as well. Rafi played the role as an onlooker who disagreed with what we did and watched as entertainment like most of the people who stopped to watch us did. Andreas was in charge of getting the footage of those who stopped and looked at us and their reactions.

Result: During the Social experiment many people who entered the mall did stop and watch while Tatiana and I, did yoga, while others shook their head of disaprovement. No one wanted to join the yoga session when asked most likely because they did not want to be apart of something that attracted alot of attention and was considered "out of the norm".

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Novalena Betancourt's Biography

Love, connection, growth, authenticity, and relationships, are the five values that has shaped and redefined Novalena Betancourt into the woman she is today. Novalena was born in San Francisco raised by both her mother and father. Her parents have been her support system and her best friends throughout her life. She identifies her father as her hero because he has helped her understand that to fulfill dreams and aspirations, you must believe in your self and have faith to make those dreams come true. After high school, Novalena attended UC Davis for all four years and gained great relationships with new friends and teacher's as well. In her free time Novalena enjoys the outdoors such as hiking, and walking on the beach. Although she raised in an Catholic home, Novalena finds her church in nature. She also enjoys dancing, and watching movies with close friends.
Past and current relationships have helped her learn more about her self and she has learned to value every friendship she gains throughout each relationship. She is currently promoting her book, " The Total Female Package", which encourages women of all ages to love and respect themselves for who they are despite their appearances. She considered this motivational message after listening to many conversations about women's self-esteem on a radio talk show. She has also co authored with the Secret Teachers which she defined her own "Strategies For Success". Her perfect future would be marrying that perfect person, and having two kids of her own along with adopting several others and showing them the love a husband and a wife should have for one another.